Monday, April 30, 2007

Patrons Make My Day

Patrons are the most wonderful and frustrating part of working in the library. I love the small kids who are so excited to be visiting "the li-bary!" And I have to smile at the older man who announces that he owes us $12,000 in fines. When I check his account, his balance is $6.20.


OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hi Patrons!

People are a wonderful variable! Think about how boring work would be without interaction.


screamingamanda said...

This is true. I once had a patron who said they paid so much money in fines that they should have a wing of the library named after them. It's nice when people are able to joke about fines and difficulties that they face instead of getting angry. It is good to have a sense of humor.